Notes from the Field
Notes from the Field: Rising Star
By Karin Lidbeck Brent In the current issue of New England Home’s Connecticut, we feature a beautiful seaside home designed…
Notes from the Field: Linked In
By Cheryl Katz The development of new technologies brings with it the seduction of advanced, innovative materials. As designers constantly…
Notes from the Field: Pillow Power
By Stacy Kunstel Believe me as a stylist when I tell you that pillows can make a place. There’s nothing…
Notes from the Field: Architecture, Design and the Art of Salvage
By Karin Lidbeck Brent For a year now I have been following my friend Joanne Palmisano‘s progress writing and researching…
Notes from the Field: Better Together
By Cheryl Katz Similar things look great in a group. Take the humble gymslip. A sleeveless tunic, once part of…
Notes from the Field: Roman Holiday
By Cheryl Katz Our son, Oliver, had been studying in Rome for four months when Jeffrey and I went to…
Notes from the Field: Living Traditions
By Karin Lidbeck Brent JUST OUT! I am thrilled to have just received the new book, Living Traditions: Interiors by…
Notes from the Field: Bill Cunningham New York
By Cheryl Katz The anticipation began to build about three months ago when a friend, photographer John Lawler, sent an…
Notes from the Field: Totally Tommy
By Karin Lidbeck Brent The art of Tommy Simpson will bring you joy, make you smile, laugh and lighten your…
Notes from the Field: A Rare Bird
By Cheryl Katz About twelve years ago while Jeffrey and I were working on our first book, Room Recipes, we…
Notes from the Field: Gorgeous Groupings
By Karin Lidbeck Brent I am always fascinated by people’s collections and, even more, the way they display the things…
Notes from the Field: A Fresh Take on Tradition
I bought my first hand-blocked fabric, a bedspread from India, at George’s Folly. During college and for a few years…
Notes from the Field: Pretty as a Portrait
By Karin Lidbeck Brent In today's modern home, a painted portrait is not as common a sight as it once…
Notes from the Field: The Style of Susy Pilgrim Waters
Really good decoration can be measured in two ways: the first and most obvious is that the interior should please…
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