Notes from the Field: The Style of Susy Pilgrim Waters
February 14, 2011
Really good decoration can be measured in two ways: the first and most obvious is that the interior should please the eye. Objects in a room should entice, be well arranged, function properly. The second–of equal if not more importance–is that a sense of the inhabitant of said interior should be discernible, even if they are not present. All too often a room, because of the occupant’s melodious voice or the scent of her perfume, has seduced us, and then disappoints as soon as she has gone. The room feels lifeless. She has left and there is no evidence of her having been there.
There is no such danger at the home artist Susy Pilgrim Waters shares with her husband, Keith, their dog, Tillie, two cats and two bunnies.
Susy’s pink bicycle, parked on the front porch, welcomes you in. The door opens to reveal a hall chock-a-block full of Susy’s art: paintings of pets, friends, fruit, a favorite pair of shoes.

Susy’s charming prints are in evidence everywhere, from the fabric that covers the window to the bowl that holds the bananas. The studio, tucked at the back of the house, is a riot of just-finished projects and works in progress. Her signature style combines color, shape and her infectious wit.

Chinese Lanterns and Pussy Willows, textile design
To see more of Susy’s work and get a sense of the artist’s unmistakable style, visit
–Cheryl Katz
February 16: ASID Connecticut Town Hall Meeting
The Town Hall Meeting features a sumptuous dinner and cash bar, a CEU program and top-notch networking. 6–9 p.m.; $35 members, $45 non-members; RSVP to
February 16: Designing Urban Transformation
Aseem Inam, PhD, associate professor of urbanism at Parsons the New School for Design and fellow at the Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at MIT, proposes conceptual and pragmatic shifts in urbanism to better fulfill its potential. Boston Public Library, 6 p.m.
February 21: Stephanie Odegard Presentation at Smith College–Weaving Together Sustainability & Design
Learn about Stephanie Odegard’s pioneering designs and environmentally sustainable practices and how a socially responsible business is not only viable, but provides for and enriches a dignified way of life for artisans and their families. Smith College, Northampton, Mass., 2:40–4 p.m.
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