Sneak Peek: The Merida Mystique
October 20, 2011
By Jared Ainscough
Rugs are an incredible thing. They are constantly trodden upon and ignored underfoot, but their importance is never questioned. As functional and necessary as they are, it is often the rug that sets the tone of a room. But what amazes me the most is the amount of work–often done by hand–that goes into creating rugs.
A great example is Merida, a Boston-based company that specializes in rugs and sisals. From the incredibly complex looming process to meticulous hand work, an incredible amount of effort and attention goes into each rug. The final product is a work of art, as unassuming as it is miraculous. Read more about Merida in the Made Here department of our upcoming November/December 2011 issue!

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