Sneak Peek: Outdoor Living
September 20, 2012
By Jared Ainscough
I love the outdoors, but I’m not really the “outdoorsy type.” I’m not one for a mountain bike or a treacherous hiking trail, but I love to sit by a fire pit and enjoy the outdoors–especially in the fall. Living in New Hampshire, I’m spoiled during the autumn months. I consider it the perfect time of year when you can spend the day outside but not melt from the heat.
One thing that always seems to be missing from outdoor spaces is the element of comfort. Most outdoor spaces, and outdoor furniture seems to be designed for a short stay. In our next issue of New England Home’s Connecticut, however, we feature an outdoor space that is the exception to this rule. Jan Hiltz designed an outdoor space that is welcoming, but more importantly, doesn’t wear out its welcome. It is the type of space where you could spend an entire autumn day and not miss the comfort of the indoors. Casual, but beautiful, it seamlessly mixes elements of the indoors and outdoors without sacrificing beautiful design.
To see more of this space (including the beautiful open-air interior spaces) pick up the Fall issue of New England Home’s Connecticut.

Photos by Michael Partenio

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