Announcing New England Home’s 2018 “5 Under 40” Award Winners
April 12, 2018
Text by Lynda Simonton Photography by Allan Dines

Left to right: Jeremy Roc Jih, Sarah Scales, Calla McNamara, Kelly Healy, and Russell Stott
New England Home is pleased to announce the winners of the ninth annual “5 Under 40” Awards. The awards recognize the region’s hottest rising talent in the residential design industry—all under the age of forty. This year’s honorees represent a wide range of specialties— from landscape to interior design. The talented five are:
Kelly Healy
Belhaakon Interior Design
Ipswich, MA
Jeremy Roc Jih
J.Roc Design
Boston, MA
Calla McNamara
Calla Studio
South Norwalk, CT
Sarah Scales
Sarah Scales Design Studio
Braintree, MA
Russell Stott
Andover Landscape
Andover, MA
New England Home will be honoring these hot up-and-comers at our annual awards ceremony and oh-so-stylish cocktail party at Landry & Arcari Rugs & Carpeting. This year’s bash will be on the evening of Thursday, September 13, at The Galleria at 333 Stuart Street, in Boston’s Park Square. Stay tuned: tickets to the event will be on sale in the summer.
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