Friday Favorites 9/28/2012
September 28, 2012
Cheryl Katz, Contributing Editor
Paul Niski’s reputation preceded him. Rumor had it that he was talented, had a great eye, and a terrific design sensibility. Forewarned and an indefatigable shopper, I waited impatiently for his shop, the aptly named Good, to open at 88 Charles Street, just a few blocks from where I live. While it was under construction almost twelve years ago, I checked the shop’s progress on an almost daily basis–on my way home from work, when I was headed to the grocery store or if I went to pick up take-in for dinner. Over the years, I visited the shop frequently to buy house-warming gifts for friends, vintage treasures for clients, and more than a piece or two of jewelry for myself.
Recently, Niski relocated Good to a larger store at 133 Charles Street. Besides the lovely things he has always carried, the added space has allowed him to showcase bespoke cabinets by Richard-Watson, organic cotton children’s clothing from the Netherlands, handmade porcelain dinnerware from Connecticut, and a very refined selection of women’s clothing. And, in case you’re wondering about those rumors–they’re still absolutely true.

Photo courtesy of Good
Paula M. Bodah, Senior Editor
It seems like there’s always some great-looking new way to use stone in interiors. I’m taken with the bluestone-topped pieces Arhaus Furniture has just come out with. Bluestone makes a great surface for furniture because it’s super-durable and resistant to cracking. Plus, it absorbs moisture, so that ring left behind by the guest who forgot to use a coaster will disappear within a few days. Doesn’t it look nice juxtaposed with the reclaimed wood in these pieces?
The dining table has a transitional feel with its classic weathered-wood pedestal and stone top.

Photos courtesy of Arhaus
The Holden end table has a base of recycled pine.

Kyle Hoepner, Editor-in-Chief
Boston’s near-western suburbs seem to be seeing a real boom when it comes to home design shops. JAR Home opened in Weston this past spring and Carter Dayton Home will debut shortly in Wellesley, both of these joining more established locations such as Trove (also in Weston), Shafer O’Neil (ditto for Wellesley) and Waltham’s Darby Road.
Now Lexington has its own draw for the style-savvy crowd, with the appearance last week of Haven on Massachusetts Avenue across from Town Hall. Owner Robin Gannon was kind enough to give me a quick look around as she settles into her new combination boutique and studio; I’m sure design lovers will soon be stopping by regularly to check out her lively and evolving selection of wares.

For more picks from New England Home editors, check out the Friday Favorites archives.
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