Friday Favorites 12/7/2012
December 7, 2012
Karin Lidbeck Brent, Contributing Editor
Immediately upon walking into Peach Tree Designs in Yarmouthport, Massachusetts, I wanted to fall into this inviting Lee Industries chair, with its joyous “palm-green” print, and then spend the afternoon reading a good book. The unique pairing of this classic arm chair with bold foliage upholstery impressed me. It would make a provocative visual statement in a room with black painted walls.
As I continued to explore, this smart boutique full of home furnishings and stylish accessories turned my morning stop-off into a morning excursion. There’s much to see and to be inspired by in this unique shop. If you are in need of some home shopping inspiration, take a trip here soon!

Paula M. Bodah, Senior Editor
Pernilla Frazier and Line Daems have a passion for textiles, and it’s all on display at their adorable Providence store, Kreatelier. The shop, with its bright collection of home goods, fashion and accessories, is so much fun to browse for its array of pillows, stuff to wear and artsy/functional pieces like bags and organizers, many made by local artists.
The real reason I like this place so much, though, has to do with Daems and Frazier’s other passion: recycling. Their behind-the-scenes business is reupholstering, and their philosophy of reusing and repurposing begins there. After they’ve finished making an old piece of furniture look like new, they use the leftover fabric scraps for other items, like purses or pillows. Crafty types who sew or quilt can buy remnants at a real steal. Other pieces might get used in the shop’s sewing classes and workshops for kids and adults. And if there’s still anything left, it gets donated to Recycling for Rhode Island, an organization that collects and distributes materials for learning and arts programs.

Kyle Hoepner, Editor-in-Chief
As we head toward winter the Boston Design Center is already planning for spring–and it’s not a matter of next year’s colors or the debut of an outdoor furniture collection. The BDC just announced that they’ll be turning some 55,000 square feet atop their building into the world’s second largest open-air commercial roof farm.

Their partner in developing Boston’s first essay in high-altitude agriculture is Higher Ground Farm. Founding farmers John Stoddard and Courtney Bissonnette intend to grow a diverse selection of fruits and vegetables for sale to restaurants and the community. Best of all, according to BDC marketing manager Lauren Young, plans also include an on-site farm stand, likely to be located along the Drydock Avenue side of the building.

So on a shopping excursion soon you’ll be able to pick up delicious raw materials outside the building for use in that kitchen you just ordered inside the building.
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