Editor’s Miscellany: Fresh Greenery
April 26, 2012
By Kyle Hoepner
Westport, Connecticut, photographer Stacy Bass has a new book coming out in May, with essays by style journalist Suzanne Gannon, called In The Garden. I thought a brief preview would be the perfect thing to share this week, as we move farther and farther into legitimate spring (as opposed to the very welcome, but oddly premature spring that started hanging around back in February).

Let Stacy lead you on a casual ramble through the greenery (and pinkery and blue-ery and…) of eighteen very individual New England landscapes, and experience the returns nature will make on a dedicated gardener’s love and care.

A pair of garden stools tucked beneath pines in New Canaan. All photos courtesy of Stacy Bass and Melcher Media.

Musk roses adorn a picket fence.

A stone wall encloses architect Dinyar Wadia’s hidden garden (click to see our own 2010 story on the house to which it’s attached).

Red-speckled foxglove.

Foxglove in another form.

How can you resist a blue globe thistle?

A tiny, secluded dell in Old Greenwich, complete with fountain, waterfall, and koi.

And for the more formally minded, a different kind of fountain…

…and a boxwood parterre.
In The Garden is available from Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, and at bookstores across New England.
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